
Grade 7’s award high school scholarships

AUCKLAND PARK – Grade 7s celebrate high school scholarships.

Preparatory School proud to announce that scholarships have been awarded to their learners.

For many learners, Grade 7 is a time of two things – the first is being at the top of the school and the second, the excitement of going to high school the next year. A special group of Grade 7 learners from Auckland Park Preparatory School (APPS) have been given the best news when it comes to their exciting new journey of high school in 2020. APPS is pleased to announce and celebrate that six of their learners have been awarded scholarships to the high schools of their choice.

The following learners were awarded the scholarships and these are the schools they choose:

  • Maryam Akhalwaya, The Anne Cleaver Academic Scholarship, Roedean School
  • Romy Day, The Kingsmead Open Sport Scholarship, Kingsmead College
  • Ratidzo Furamera, St Teresa’s Cultural Scholarship, St Teresa’s School
  • Lola Moultrie, The Joan Raikes Scholarship, Roedean School
  • Analia Ntombela, The St Mary’s Wantage Scholarship, St Mary’s School
  • Madhuri Padayatchi, Kingsmead All Rounder Scholarship (academic, sport and music), Kingsmead College

APPS’s Kate Becker congratulated the girls and wished them well on their looming adventures and growth that await them at high school. She said, “The girls will begin at their new schools in Grade 8 next year and we wish them all the very best on their high school journey. We feel sure that they will make their senior schools just as proud of them as we have been.”

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