
Friends and family of missing Greymont man are distraught

JOHANNESBURG – The Northcliff Melville Times spoke to friends and family of missing man Kit Johnson before the suspect's bail hearing.

It has been five weeks since Greymont resident Kit Johnson was reported missing, and understandably, the emotions of his friends and family are running high.

A suspect has been arrested and appeared for a bail hearing at the Johannesburg Magistrates Court on 10 July.

Also read: Suspected remains of missing Greymont man found

The Northcliff Melville Times spoke to Johnsons’ friends and family, who had come in their numbers to support the missing man.

A close friend of Johnson’s, Charmaine Sbasojevic added, “What is really getting to us at this stage is that we feel that there has not been much progress or updates. I think that communication between the police and family has been very difficult.”

Friends and family of Kit Johnson gather outside the Johannesburg Magistrates’ Court to show their support before the suspect’s bail hearing on 10 July.

According to Sbasojevic, the question that has been consistently asked is ‘are they looking for a person or a body’?

“Kit is the nicest person you will ever meet. He is not scared and would be the guy who would stand up for you in any situation,” said his cousin-in-law Tracey Hagen.

“As we understand it, this is the third bail application that the suspect is applying for, and what will come out of these results is unclear to us. With all the evidence that we know ourselves, you would think that this process would be much quicker.”

The family has spent a lot of time and money on hiring private investigators and maintaining Johnson’s private expenses during this time, which has undoubtedly put a great financial strain on them.

As the bail hearing began they filled the court’s public gallery. They wore #FindKit lanyards, sporting the words ‘Kidnapping is terrorism’.

Tracey Hagen said, “We hope to see many people showing their support, and we know that it is difficult as it is a weekday. It is not easy to come to the court if you have never been before, but by sticking together, it makes the situation a lot easier,

“Having a lot of people showing their support also will hopefully draw attention to his situation.”

ALSO READ: Man charged with kidnapping after driving missing man’s car to police station

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