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Vox Pop: Have you been affected by crime in the Melville community?

MELVILLE – The community raises concerns about being affected by crime and what should be done.

The prevalence of crime in communities is an ongoing challenge for police, security companies, business owners and residents.

There have been a number of cases reported to the police about crime related incidents taking place in the Melville Community. Particularly involving customers being robbed of their personal items or vehicles in the area.

Northcliff Melville Times took to the streets to find out how people are affected by crime in the area.


JAFTA MAHLOLA: I’m affected by crime on a daily basis as a car guard. I’ve witnessed a number of cars who stop and rob people. Most of us are being blamed for crime in the area.


MARGARITA DI PAOLA: I love the Melville community and haven’t experienced crime in the area but in a different area. I know some people who have been affected.


BILLY CHANGI: I’ve been affected by crime many times along 7th street where I run my business. There are a lot of thieves in the area who cause trouble for people, especially at ATMs. People should be more careful and police should make more patrols.


JENNY LIVINGSTON: I’ve had an incident at two ATMs when guys attempted to scam me but failed. I think they go around targeting people who use ATMs along 7th street. People should be aware there are scammers out there.


ELMIEN LE GRANGE: My phone was stolen when I was making a phone call on the sidewalk. I’ve learnt to only make phone calls in my shop. I wouldn’t describe the crime in Melville as any different than other areas.


WEBSTER CHAGONDA: I haven’t experienced crime but I have witnessed a number of crimes when I was a waiter at a restaurant in Melville. Customers who left their phones on their table would get it stolen. I think people should be more careful.


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