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VOXPOP: I love graffiti because…

WESTDENE – We asked people on the Westdene Graffiti Tour why they love graffiti so much.


Do people love graffiti?

Northcliff Melville Times spoke to visitors on the Westdene Graffiti Tour to find out what it was about the art form that they really liked.

This is what some had to say …

MALAKA ROGERS: I am visiting South Africa from the UK. What I love about graffiti is that it is very expressive and it is an opportunity for people to show their personality and their thoughts and also get it across to people in a positive light. It isn’t always associated with negativity and vandalism. There are commissioned artists turning rundown areas around and making it really welcoming and fresh for everyone to see.


BARBARA LEGER: I like graffiti because it brings people to areas they would not usually go to. It also improves the sense of security in some areas through the graffiti, through the colour and the whole energy that comes with it.


GREGORY SIMPSON: What I like about graffiti is that you can just go out and do it, there are no restrictions, there is no one telling us what to do and we just go out and paint. It’s the freedom of it. Many of us grew up in hard times, with parents not having enough money, and graffiti made us express ourselves.


GILL HAGGIS: I absolutely love the colour, the quirkiness and also the surprising places graffiti appears, a wall here, around the corner there, it is like a little adventure. Also the self expression.


YVONNE SCHILLLING: I am into graffiti because it adds value to the city. People appreciate it. I think [graffiti artists] also have a huge impact on South African communities because they keep the area around the graffiti clean because they see that someone else is trying to make it look nice.
MARCO SCHILLING: I like graffiti because it is a way to bring art to people who cannot afford to go to art galleries normally, so it is art for everybody.


NINI ADAMIA: I like graffiti because of the energy it brings to the areas – the colours, whatever is drawn. I also like what the artist tries to display and the different style they try to show.


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