
Meet DSJ’s head prefects

AUCKLAND PARK – Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg recently welcomed its new prefects for the year.

AUCKLAND PARKDeutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg (DSJ) recently welcomed its new head prefects for this year.

Public relations manager, Savo Ceprnich said the four leaders were voted for by the prefect body and staff.

Head boy, Nicholas Bouwer said that he was quite nervous on the day, while the head girl, Taryn Vosters said that being named head girl for the school was something she never expected.

“I know that I face numerous challenges but look forward to taking them in my stride.”

When asked how they hoped to stand out from previous leaders, Bouwer said that his brother was the head boy for 2014 and he learnt a lot from him.

“I want to use these lessons and develop them further. I am big on respect and humility and I hope that I can carry this message through to my fellow learners.”

Vosters also expressed the best thing about being in a position of power is the opportunity to relay your vision and drive something special.

She added that the DSJ is an absolutely amazing school and being able to lead the way is something that excites her immensely.

“I want to be able to give back to the community and leave my mark for future years.”

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