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Lawful roadblocks

JOBURG – The Sandton Police Station has shed some light on what a roadblock entails and its purpose. .


Roadblocks and vehicle check points can often be seen as a nuisance by the general public, but they do serve a purpose and help curb crime.

During the festive season, an increase of roadblocks can be expected, and motorists do not always know why they are being stopped or searched.

Constable David Mothapo, spokesperson for the Sandton Police Station said, “Roadblocks are put in place for a reason and often work on information or intelligence received.”

He continued that all roadblocks have to be authorised by the police on a specific date and start and end-time . Motorists can request to view the a copy of the written authorisation.

“The officers are authorised to search the car and its inhabitants if suspected of any crimes. If a suspect has been arrested, the suspect needs to be taken to a detention or holding cell as quickly as possible,” said Mothapo. He added that they are allowed to detain the suspect for up to 48 hours before they appear in court.”

Mothapo said that any driver of a vehicle or person who approaches a roadblock that fails to stop when ordered, shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine or imprisonment.

He continued that a roadblock or checkpoint includes any barrier set up in order to control movement.

The purpose of roadblocks or checkpoints are to prevent, combat and investigate crime. “It helps maintain public order, protect and secure the inhabitants of South Africa and helps uphold and enforce the law,” concluded Mothapo.

For more details, contact the Sandton Police Station: 011 722 4200.

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