
Water leak concerns resident

MONTGOMERY PARK – Residents are urged to report burst pipes and water leaks, just as a Hurst Hill resident has done so.

A concerned Hurst Hill resident was at Westpark Cemetary last week when he noticed water streaming down the road.

Resident Mike Bernard investigated the matter and tracked the leak to a burst pipe. He returned the following week and noticed the water was still leaking.

“I don’t understand why the water is being allowed to stream along the road. I decided to leave a note at the cemetery gate alerting management about the leak and hope someone addresses the problem soon,” said Bernard.

There is also a broken tap that is spewing litres and litres of water. Ward 88 councillor, Nicholas Lorimer said he had not been notified about the leaking taps.

He encouraged residents who encounter burst pipes or leaking taps to report the issue to Johannnesburg Water or to send an e-mail and receive a reference number. “If the burst pipe is not fixed in 24 hours, they can send their reference number and address of the burst pipe to their ward councillor,” said Lorimer.

Water is wasted in Westpark Cemetery.
Water is wasted in Westpark Cemetery.

“It is vital that burst pipes are reported to the City or else they will go unfixed as the City may not know they are broken. Burst pipes are the responsibility of Johannesburg Water to repair.”

Jenny Moodley of Johannesburg City Parks said that Johannesburg Water has been contacted regarding the water leak at Westpark Cemetery. The Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo facilities prioritises issues to ensure that matters are addressed as soon as possible by Joburg Water.

“We, however, appeal to residents to alert officials in the admin blocks as you exit the facility of any further or new leaks. Quick turnarounds in stemming the flow of water will help prevent wastage and further contain costs in the running of the City’s cemeteries. Areas in cemeteries with high levels of ground water can also result in the collapse of headstones and grave sites,” concluded Moodley.

Details: Joburg Connect Call Centre 011 375 5555.

Clean water runs down the street from Westpark Cemetery.
Clean water runs down the street from Westpark Cemetery.

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