
Christmas done differently

JOBURG – Christmas is celebrated almost everywhere, but no one country does it the same. Here are some of the Christmas traditions around the world.

We all are aware of South African Christmas traditions. But in different parts of the world people tend to celebrate Christmas a bit differently. Here are some of the most bizarre Christmas traditions* from all over the world.

  • Norway

Norwegians do not believe in doing any cleaning on Christmas Eve. Brooms are hidden away, in case they are stolen by witches and evil spirits.

  • Japan

Advertising can be incredibly powerful. In 1974 KFC advertising campaign’s became very popular and since then many Japanese families eat at KFC on Christmas Eve.

  • Greenland

In Greenland people eat very strange Christmas dinners. Mattak is raw whale skin, served with blubber. Kiviak is 500 dead auk birds, stuffed into a seal skin and left to ferment for 7 months.

  • Germany

Germans hide a pickle in the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, the first child to find the pickle in the morning receives a small gift.

  • Ukraine

People in Ukraine do not decorate their trees with the traditional ornaments and tinsel, but with an artificial spider and web.

  • Sweden

A traditional rice pudding is made in Sweden on Christmas Eve. A peeled almond is hidden away in the pudding, the first person to find the almond is said to get married within the next year.

  • Great Britain

It is an old-age tradition for each member of the family to stir the Christmas pudding once in a clockwise direction, making a wish as they do so.

  • Ethiopia

Ethiopians celebrate Christmas on 7 January. People wear white clothes and the men play a fast paced game with sticks and wooden balls, called Ganna.

  • Slovakia

In Slovakia the most senior man in the family takes a spoon full of loksa pudding and throws it at the ceiling, the more it sticks, the better.

  • Canada

If Canadian children want to write a letter to Santa Claus they need to address it to Santa Claus, North Pole, Canada, HOHOHO. The Canadian post recognises this address and will open and reply to these letters.

* Courtesy of Fox News.


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