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Shocking rape statistics in Gauteng

JOBURG – Gauteng Police Commissioner gives shocking statistics of rape in Gauteng.

On 9 October Gauteng Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Lesetja Mothiba released a crime statistics report for 2014/2015. According to the report, there were 8 455 incidents of rape in Gauteng.

“This is an average of 23 incidents a day,” said Mothiba.

Lt Gen Mothiba provided a number of reasons why the number is so high.

“The worst mistake ever made is the disbandment of specialised crime-fighting units,” said Lt Gen Mothiba.

He said other reasons for the high rape number is the increased involvement of SAPS members in organised crime, poorly resourced police stations, the loss of around 130 police members monthly and the number of repeat offenders who are out on bail.

Lt Gen Mothiba added that besides the high rape statistics, another shocking figure is the low conviction rate that is only 9.01 per cent.

He concluded that the conviction figure gives the true state of the criminal procedure among police members in Gauteng.

“It shows the detection and prosecution of crime and criminals are inferior and this plays a large part in Gauteng’s crime crisis,” concluded Lt Gen Mothiba.

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