
Do not trust beggars

Terry Marshall of Emmarentia writes: I write regarding your article on beggars. A couple of years ago, I was travelling with a friend to an appointment and we stopped at a robot and there was a blind person with eyes rolled back and a white stick being led by his female helper, begging for donations …

Terry Marshall of Emmarentia writes:

I write regarding your article on beggars.

A couple of years ago, I was travelling with a friend to an appointment and we stopped at a robot and there was a blind person with eyes rolled back and a white stick being led by his female helper, begging for donations and my friend – who is a Rotarian, dropped some change into the McDonald’s cup they were holding out.

Later that day, we returned via the same route and the blind beggar was still there – but – he was now the guide and his female helper was now “blind”!!!!!!!

That changed both of our attitudes to donating and I now never give to these conmen.

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