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Cancer survivor scoots through recovery on customised Vespa

NORTHCLIFF – Leigh Hammond acknowledges the people who supported his fight through art.

Leigh Hammond lived a regular Joburg life – working nine to five, exercising regularly and spending time with family. All that changed after he was diagnosed with – and survived – stage four cancer. Now, the Northcliff resident has taken to two wheels to make the most of every moment, for the rest of his life.

Following gruelling chemotherapy sessions, two major surgeries and a lengthy period of limited activity, Hammond went into remission 18 months after the initial diagnosis. He made it thanks to the steadfast support of family, friends and a passionate medical team. It’s this support that inspired the customisation of his new Vespa. Hammond said of his Vespa, “The adventure and individualism the brand represents resonated with my desire to create more meaningful life experiences.”


After Hammond bought his Vespa he immediately thought about customising it. To create what’s now been dubbed ‘the cancer bike’, Hammond was advised by Vespa SA director, Trevor Woolfson. The custom design features hand prints from each of Hammond’s family members, as well as the names of his best friend, his doctors and his domestic worker, Elsie. “The idea to include all the people who supported me stands as a reminder of how far we’ve come, because cancer doesn’t just affect the patient. It completely changes the lives of the people around you as well,” added Hammond.


Vespa SA riders often meet on Fridays for breakfast rides and plan multiple long-distance tours throughout the year. Hammond added, “The Vespa tours were the biggest motivator. Enjoying the open road with like-minded people is going to be fantastic.” Hammond is taking his wife to tour Italy for their 25th wedding anniversary.


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