
Prevent anarchy

Concerned Newlands resident writes: With reference to you article re the “Internet Cafe” and possible gambling and other illegal activities around it, I would like to comment as follows: No mention was made of the large Rainbowland Pre-Primary school – which is situated directly across the road from this “internet” café. Various members of the …

Concerned Newlands resident writes:

With reference to you article re the “Internet Cafe” and possible gambling and other illegal activities around it, I would like to comment as follows:

No mention was made of the large Rainbowland Pre-Primary school – which is situated directly across the road from this “internet” café. Various members of the school’s staff have observed suspicious activities – such as exchange of small packets (drugs) on the pavement. They have been in regular contact with the JMPD drug squad – which have always reacted promptly and some arrests were made. The Sophiatown Police seems to take longer to react – giving the suspects a chance to get away, in most cases. In this type of situation it is not unheard of that, at some stage, firearms are used – across the road from a school. This situation did not exist before the “café” was established.

The internet café is situated on the corner of 8th Street and Waterval Road in Newlands. People visiting it tend to park as close as possible to it ??? – despite a large unused parking area right behind it. They park on the pavement and in the no parking area at the corner on both sides of the road. This makes it very difficult for passing motorists to see if another car is trying to cross the road – you have to virtually drive into the middle of the street to see if you can cross it. The result is that we have weekly car accidents on this corner – not long ago we had two in one day. Congestion at this corner is not a 24/7 occurrence, but when the café gets busy it certainly becomes so, and despite parking tickets being issued, on occasion.

While action by the JMPD has resulted in a drop in the number of youths loitering in the area, there is still significant activity – and this can carry on until 6am in the morning as borne out by the concerned residents watch patrols – members of which were interviewed for your article. While we are proud of our suburb and are trying to keep it clean and safe for our children – the presence of the Internet Café and all that it in reality implies, makes it very difficult indeed. This type of business simply does not belong in a residential suburb – across the road from a school and also 50m away from the crèche in Waterval Road.

Councellor Steve Kotze remarked that “allegations are allegations until proven otherwise” and that the SAPS have found no proof, the fact however remains that if a number of residents complain about a problem – and make “allegations” – surely there must be something wrong. It is not then up to the residents to provide the proof – for this we have the JMPD and the SAPS – both of whom have already made some arrests of loiterers but need to further investigate the core problem. It is a function of the “community” to bring matters to the attention of their representatives and the authorities – to investigate and act. The alternative to this would be for the “community” to act and this would lead to anarchy, which is certainly not the way to go. Concerned residents have so far collected more that 200 signatures (and are still collecting) to protest against the presence of this “rot”.

Editor’s note: Letter published unedited.

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