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A poster warns cyclist not to race at the Johannesburg Botanical Gardens and Emmarentia Dam

EMMARENTIA – A notice posted at the Johannesburg Botanical Gardens warns cyclist that they do not have right of way in the park.

A poster has been put up at the Johannesburg Botanical Gardens and warns cyclist in ‘colourful’ language, not to cycle at the park. The poster states that, “While admittedly that spandex outfits make you look really important, it might surprise you to learn that you don’t have right of way in this park. It’s a park with dogs and babies and joggers and picnickers. And all of them have have right of way over you.”[sic]

Last year, residents living in the Delta Park area were also complaining about cyclists in the park. However, 1st Blairgowrie Scouts found a solution by constructing a bridge to separate walkers and cyclists.

Residents agree with the poster on social media.

Marindi Strauss: Even though I cycle there about twice a week with friends, I agree!!

Carly Sutton: I agree. Cyclists have nearly run me and my dogs over on more than one occasion in the dog park at Emmarentia. Very inconsiderate and dangerous.

Brad Dew: Agreed, I walk my dogs there every day and have had numerous incidents with MTB’ers flying by on the walking paths !

Sandra Laurence: My thoughts exactly! We need one of these notices at the bottom end of the park too, please.

Dána Gleeson: I think we all looking at this the wrong way. I know most of the cyclists who use the park and I think they decently need to be spoken to and maybe something worked out. For instance in the park in NYC they have a great system for everyone to use the park.

Andrea Altgayer: YES!I’m sorry, but some cyclists are damn inconsiderate!

Nicky Smith: It is a huge problem. Terrible to try and walk there. I don’t go on weekends anymore. Worried my dogs might get hit. Aggressive and domineering is 90 % of the MTB culture. They treat it like a bike track and everyone else in the park is in their way. One time some guy was racing through a narrow section and my dog stopped to sniff something in his route. He was going so fast he nearly fell off his bike trying to stop. And then swore at me and my dogs. Horrible people.

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