
Watch this space: Jacques Pepler

Young, handsome and bursting with creativity. Jacques Pepler is a promising new talent to keep an eye on.

Up-and-coming actor Jacques Pepler (24) took some time out of his busy schedule to talk about his acting career.

The Auckland Park resident is currently based with Spectro Productions, where he portrays the role of Eben in Kyknet’s popular soapie Villa Rosa.

Having grown up on the East Rand, Pepler started his career at the age of 16 when he auditioned to enrol in The Playhouse Acting School in Boksburg. He continued to study at the Playhouse for the next three years.

Pepler said acting has always been a passion for him.

“I have always wanted to be an actor. For a while, when I was younger, I wanted to be a doctor like my dad, but that phase ended when I discovered the craft of acting.”

He said the founder of The Playhouse, Sarahann Doherty, recommended that he should go study at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts(AADA) in New York City.

Pepler jumped at the opportunity and, upon acceptance to the school, was offered a scholarship.

“It was a very challenging experience going to New York by myself at such a young age. I packed two bags of clothes and jetted off alone to a different continent with no previous connections. But it was the most liberating and fulfilling experience of my life and I would do it all over again if I had the chance.”

Based on his experiences in New York, Pepler developed his acting craft even further.

“My approach to the craft of acting definitely changed, not just because of the great teachers I had in New York, but also that I had accrued so much life experience and met so many different people from around the world with so many varying cultures and beliefs.”

He eventually returned to South Africa after his working US visa came to an end. He then decided to come back to his family for a few years, but fully intends to go back to New York.

After landing the role of Eben for two years with Villa Rosa, Pepler has gained a substantial fan following.

Asked if he could relate to his television persona in any way, Pepler said, “Eben is a loud-mouthed free-spirited young man with very strong values, and he believes that his view of life is the correct one. I can relate to his confidence and stubborn tendencies, but I do believe that I am more calculated in my approach where he would just fly off the handle.”

Pepler describes himself as a story-teller and would love to tell stories that have strong messages for the audience to walk away with.

Fun facts:

1. Jacques loves to paint and did all the paintings in his house.

2. He has built his own coffee table.

3. He loves singing, preferably in the shower.

4. He loves to cook and describes himself as an amazing chef.

5. Regarding matters of the heart, Jacques believes that he is a hopeless romantic at heart.

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