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Louwtjies forever changed

LINDEN – Match against the Proteas leaves a lasting impact.

The U8 cricketers at Laerskool Louw Geldenhuys will be forever changed by the opportunities recently afforded to them. The ‘Louwtjies’ received training by former Proteas batsman Neil McKenzie in October (see previous article), played against bizhub Highveld Lions players in November, and played against Proteas players on 11 January.

The Louwtjies will be forever changed by their match against the Proteas on 11 January
The Louwtjies will be forever changed by their match against the Proteas on 11 January

According to the team’s coaches JP Piquito and Eldre Benadie, the 10 players are far more enthusiastic about cricket now. “It [cricket] is all they talk about now,” Piquito said. “They can’t wait until next season.” Benadie added that the players have been inspired, and are now very competitive with each other about who is the best.

Dawid Pienaar was fortunate enough to be taught a bit of cricket by former Proteas batsman Neil McKenzie
Dawid Pienaar was fortunate enough to be taught a bit of cricket by former Proteas batsman Neil McKenzie

U8 players Dawid Pienaar, Herman Davel and Nathan Piquito said that they thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. “My favourite part was when I ran a Protea out,” Piquito said. Pienaar said that he enjoys cricket more now, and will never forget his 40-run partnership with Davel. Davel agreed that he also enjoys cricket a great deal more than he did before, and one day he wants to play for the Proteas as a batsman.

Louwtjies players Dawid Pienaar, Herman Davel and Nathan Piquito with their coaches JP Piquito and Eldre Benadie
Louwtjies players Dawid Pienaar, Herman Davel and Nathan Piquito with their coaches JP Piquito and Eldre Benadie

Details: Laerskool Louw Geldenhuys or 011 782 5442.

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