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Brave new world for Grade 1s

LINDEN – First day of school for excited Grade 1s and Rs at Laerskool Louw Geldenhuys.

It was a big day of mixed emotions for parents and students alike.

Laerskool Louw Geldenhys prepared for the first day, and the new Grade 1 pupils were getting ready for their first ever day of school on 14 January.

Smiles and tears were spotted all around the school yard as parents bid their farewells to their children.

“It’s an important day for me. I’m sending my son out into the world for the first time. I am extremely proud and a little bit sad to say goodbye for now,” said parent Jane Agnus.

Other parents were excited to have their children clad in the traditional school uniforms for the first time.

“It’s very exciting for us to see our son dressed up and ready for his first day of school,” said proud parents Connie and Juan Piquito.

Laerskool Louw Geldenhys boasted with 124 Grade 1 pupils and 78 Grade R pupils for this year. Principal Arrie Genis said, “It’s always a pleasure to receive new pupils to our school every year.” Genis pointed out that accommodating the ever-increasing number of new Grade 1 pupils is a huge undertaking, and that the school has made sure to prepare well in advance.

“It’s a huge process for the school’s administration. We always try to get down the predicted numbers before the end of the year. Last year, we extended the school facilities with eight new classrooms to accommodate the influx of new pupils.”

Parents and pupils congregated in the school’s hall, waiting patiently for Genis to deliver his welcome speech. In his speech Genis reminded the pupils of the great responsibility of academic and personal growth, while still managing to crack a joke or two in between. Genis also offered advice to first-time Grade 1 parents. He asked for parents to trust in the capabilities of the staff at the school, and to allow their children to grow and flourish without running the risk of coddling them too much.

Details: Laerskool Louw Geldenhys, (011) 782 5442/3.

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