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Oil spill causes havoc on N1 highway off-ramp

A sudden oil spillage causes panic for motorists along N1 highway.

It was a state of emergency for traffic services on 5 January 2015 as a minor oil spillage occurred along the Beyers Naudé off-ramp at the N1 highway. The extent of the oil spillage caused the metro services to close off most of the off-ramp in order to clear up the mess. The spillage was located in close proximity to the BP Oasis service station.

Station supervisor for the BP Oasis Mpho Rakela commented, “They had to close off the road lane leading off the N1 high off-ramp completely.”

The cause of the incident was believed to be a leaking Putco bus.

“The spillage started around six o’clock in the morning. It was a Putco bus. It took a long time for the actual clean-up to happen,” Rakela said.

The spillage caused a temporary delay in business for the service station throughout the morning, as concerned motorists had to avoid the spillage. “The Metro Police only came around by 9 o’ clock. They closed off the lane on the off-ramp. After that the clean-up crew came around ten o’clock to clean the oil off the high-way with chemicals. The off-ramp was relatively cleaned by eleven o’clock in the morning” said Rakela.

The Pucto Bus Service was unavailable for comment.

Details: Johannesburg Metro Police 011 785 9100.

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