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Suspected human body parts found in Westdene

WESTDENE – A forensic team is investigating ear-like objects and bones found at a Westdene home along with a bag of drugs.

A bag of crystal meth, two human-looking ears and bones were found at a Westdene home on 30 October.

“We found a bag full of crystal meth – about 200g worth,” said the complainant who wishes to remain anonymous for safety reasons.

The complainant and her partner recently bought this Westdene property. The current occupants of the house are tenants they found in the property.

These drugs were found subsequent to stumbling upon four ecstasy tablets on 29 October when the couple and their friend were cleaning the property.

“One of our friends, who was helping us clean, picked up a brick and under it was a packet with four ecstasy tablets,” said the complainant.

Thinking nothing of it, the trio flushed these. However, more of those tablets were discovered, raising suspicion.

Another bag of drugs found in Westdene on 30 October.
Another bag of drugs found in Westdene on 30 October.

The police confiscated the drugs once they were alerted.

These fairly new homeowners continued to clean their property when they found yet another black bag in the warmer of the kitchen stove.

“Our friend found it and he said ‘Oh, my God, there is a dead frog in this bag’ and he threw it down,” said the complainant.

When the trio looked in the bag they found something that looked like a human ear.


A dog squad was called in and they found more ecstasy tablets in one of the rooms. The occupant of this particular room was subsequently arrested.


As the dog squad proceeded, another suspected human ear was found in another room.


“The second [ear-looking object] that was found in the other guy’s room is now missing because he came in and out about five times when we were waiting for the police to come,” said the complainant.

A forensic team was brought to the scene to examine the remaining ear-like object. Their findings are yet to be revealed.

Sophiatown Police Station is yet to comment on the issue.

Meanwhile, residents fear the extent of illegal activities that might have been occurring in this home.

Crystal meth found in the Westdene home.
Crystal meth found in the Westdene home.

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