
Teenage boys mugged in Emmarentia

EMMARENTIA - Four teenage boys mugged while cycling.

Four teenage boys were left shaken after being mugged in Emmarentia on 24 February around 10am.

The boys, aged between 14 and 15, were cycling around the Canoe Club while enjoying the last day of their mid-term break before being accosted by a man allegedly in his mid-thirties.

According to one of the victims’ mother Gabi Pisanello, the perpetrator demanded that the boys hand over their cellphones.

“Although he didn’t take his gun out, he threatened that he would ‘blow their brains out’ if they didn’t comply,” Pisanello recounted.

The man’s accomplice was driving a fairly new model red Ford Fiesta and remained in the vehicle throughout the incident.

Pisanello said the boys weren’t physically harmed but understandably emotionally shaken by the incident.

The perpetrator was described as a fairly short and slightly build coloured man with a slight beard and gold earrings on both ears. He appeared to have scars on his face and neck.

“This is exactly why we need to hear from residents,” said Tanya Greenberg of the CAP initiative in Emmarentia and Greenside emphasised.

“We don’t as of yet cover that side of Emmarentia but it doesn’t mean that we won’t answer a call if a resident is in need. We are happy to assist in any way we can when a resident close by is in need. Also because it helps us get a good understanding of the surroundings of the area we do cover.”

The incident was reported to Linden and Parkview police stations.

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