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What will this paper’s front page look like in 50 years?

Artists of Lillian Gray Art School show how the front page of the Northcliff Melville Times will look in years to come.

It is the year 2073, exactly 50 years from now, and at this point, the Northcliff Melville Times would have been printing for the past 100 years.

Would the newspaper still look the same? Would it still inform, inspire and initiate social cohesion as it has been in all the years since?

There are so many looming questions yet to be answered when it comes to this small, yet, trailblazer newspaper that gets delivered to your doorstep every Tuesday.

The young artists of Lillian Gray Art School have made it so that there is one less question for us to worry about – that is, how will the front page look?

Based on their designs the paper will be imaginative, full of intrigue, colour and whimsy.

Here is some of the art they created for the front pages.

Suraya Linah Harley.
Eliana Oliver.
Emma Lok.

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