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Guard describes terrible working conditions at private security company

A local security guard shares his terrible experience at a private security company.

Steven* is a fully qualified and registered private security officer who thought he had found new employment after leaving his previous company.

He only stayed at the new job for just over two months because of the sketchy practices they operated under.

He describes finding out that mandatory medical insurance was not provided for, nor were other statutory obligations for employees in the sector.

“If I got shot trying to protect a client, I would have had no medical support. Maybe I would be taken to a local government hospital where I might die. I have a family and children so need to not take unnecessary risks.”

“They ended up not paying us correctly and would not tell us how they calculated our rates. My salary used to change and I could not find out why as they did not give us pay slips.”

“But that was not the worst part, the firearm I was given only had a few rounds (bullets) and I was told by others it was not correctly registered. That was not acceptable.”

Read the first part here:

Have you ever thought to check if your private security company is compliant?

He describes not being asked to produce his certifications after the interview and claims the company hired anyone who would be willing to work. “They hired some for as little as R1 800 a month and yet, clients expected proper protection or security.”

Steven has now found work at a fully compliant and legitimate security company.

Read the third and final part here:

Here is a comprehensive list of things to ask your private security company

*Not his real name.

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