
Private security companies warn violent crime is increasing

Both Beagle Watch and SCP Security say cases of vicious attacks are rising in their footprint areas.

Two major security companies say violent crime trends are increasing.

The distribution areas of the Northcliff Melville Times have generally low numbers of contact crimes, but experts warn this is changing.

Beagle Watch Armed Response’s Andre Aiton says crimes are also becoming more ferocious. “In my 30 years in the industry, I have not witnessed what we are seeing now”

“Over the past two months, our teams have attended to 20 armed robberies in the Northcliff, Fairland, Berario, and Melville areas alone. This excludes cases in our extended West and North footprints.”

Owner of SCP Security Clive Maher says, “We are definitely seeing an uptick in criminal activity. Home invasions and robberies are increasing and are happening outside of traditional times for these kinds of events. There is a lot more activity between 17:00 and 18:00, which seems to occur just before load-shedding starts.”

He says criminals are keenly aware of schedules for when planned load-shedding will begin and end.

Beagle Watch Armed Response managing director Andre Aiton.
Beagle Watch Armed Response managing director Andre Aiton. Photo: Emily Wellman Bain

Maher also notes the early hours, between 00:00 and 04:00, are also spiking for times when criminals strike, a trend he has been observing since the beginning of the year.

“People are breaking into houses, breaking into yards, stealing tires off of cars, stealing gate motors, and are using long sticks with a hook at the end to lift up items like handbags or laptop bags that have been left on the table and so on.”

“I have been saying since January that there is an increase in crime.”

Both Aiton and Maher say people need to be aware of their surroundings, to be sure their alarm systems are working and linked to a reputable armed response company.

“There is no point being linked to a security company and getting a response minutes later. These home invasions take between one and two and a half minutes maximum before criminals have fled,” says Maher.

Criminals are consummate professionals

“Some of the incidents I have seen take only 40 seconds to run in and out of a house with a 50-inch flatscreen TV. They are quick and know what they are doing. They know many people they target have armed response so they move really fast. They are skilled. As much as people don’t want to hear it, they are good at their jobs, just as you are good at yours,” says Maher.

He says having panic buttons on hand or even better, ‘on a lanyard around your neck is invaluable as help can be called in a matter of seconds which can be critical for attacks that last a bit longer’.

Aiton says common or street robberies are also increasing.

“We are again seeing a rise in crimes involving senior citizens and are appealing to families and friends of older citizens to help them increase their security measures. Criminals target the vulnerable and can quickly identify easy targets,” he warns.

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