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Roosevelt High School learner hopes to spread awareness of teenage pressures

She hopes parents and teachers will be a little more understanding about the new world Grade 8 learners are experiencing and have some compassion.

Katelyn Chung of Roosevelt High School writes:

Grade 8 is one of the hardest stages in anyone’s high school career. The new contemporary environment, new friends, teachers, and a handful of academically strenuous challenges may be an experience that new high schoolers may struggle to adapt to.

It is extremely stressful and overwhelming to get used to these changes.

Primary school to high school is also a massive change in workload. The work level increases and continuously increases.

There are nine subjects and only a limited amount of time to study them and remembering everything that happens in class is tough.

Cycle tests, exams, and assessments are around every corner.

Most learners have extra-murals, leaving them exhausted after school, and yet they still have to come home to study and do homework.

Family and teacher’s unrealistic expectations on academics and mental health are sometimes too high. It gives anxiety and stress to the majority of learners. They don’t understand how much it hurts to not have emotional support towards your studies.

Everyone has a 24/7 day trying to balance learning, studying, extra-murals, and homework. This is draining and often is the main reason for depression in a learner’s life.

Countless will say they are okay when they really aren’t, but they don’t want to be called a drama queen or be told they are too young for such stress.

Being a teenager is overwhelming as we also go through puberty. Not a child, but not yet an adult.

Many teenagers get told to act more maturely and not to be childish. But are also told too young to be a grown-up when trying to act mature.

This causes conflicts in us and our feelings. In high school, there are new people around us and not all are so friendly. Making new friends is scary and peer pressure is at its peak.

Many don’t know how to deal with this pressure which ends up becoming a massive problem in the future.

I hope this article will help people to better understand the troubles of Grade 8 learners and teenagers in general.

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