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Coronationville resident says living without water is insanity

Coronationville resident describes living with erratic water supply for over a year as completely debilitating.

The suburb of Coronationville near Melville has had a lack of consistent water supply for at least a year.

Last year, Gift of the Givers had to step in and install a borehole at Rahima Moosa Hospital which is situated in the area.

Mark Scheepers a resident of the area said, “We were basically without water or had a very erratic supply for four months starting in February. The problem was briefly resolved in June, but with this latest water crisis we are despairing.”

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Last week, he had to take a day’s leave from his new job because being without a car, he was unable to consistently ‘make a plan’ to bathe and do his laundry as required when working in a professional environment.

He laments the lack of adequate countermeasures such as water tankers being available leading to many people having to go to the local Mosque to fill containers with water from their borehole.

“I am tired of being told constantly by Joburg Water to use less water, that implies I have water to use in the first place. What is going on with our city, it’s just insane to have to live like this.”

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Scheepers also expressed his frustration with his Ward 69 councillor Genevieve Sherman, “We don’t receive feedback from her, we mostly find our news from other sources as she doesn’t communicate effectively.”

In response, Sherman said, “I am surprised to hear that some people are complaining about my lack of communication. I have several WhatsApp groups for Ward 69, a Facebook page and a local radio station Kofifi FM where I am constantly providing feedback and interacting with residents.

I encourage residents to please join my communication channels. I work on behalf of over 35 000 residents so it is possible some individuals may not be seeing my feedback.”

ALSO READ: Water woes outrage residents as restrictions are implemented

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