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De La Salle Holy Cross College get’s a spring in its step

VICTORY PARK – The school brought in spring the best way they knew how. Through artworks and ice-cream filled picnics.

Let’s call it spring, shall we?

Well for the benefit of De La Salle Holy Cross College one would think it’s best we do because the school called for the sun’s presence, and it responded.
To mark the start of spring, the school’s littlest members decked out in their best bright colours to usher in the change of season.

The school’s foundation phase also produced artworks that reflected the new season. They did this through using bold colours on cotton wool for one-of-a-kind abstract pieces. Gloriously colourful hats were also made to mark the day. While we reflect on the great art, it would be a travesty to not mention the art piece that came in that form of a tree. Using cut out paper to resemble a flower’s many petals, one class created a beautiful flower with the words ‘Individually we are beautiful, together we are a masterpiece’, at its centre.

But, as the French would say, the pièce de résistance must have been the ice-cream. Let’s face it, what would the mention of spring be without it. To end off a great day, while enjoying a socially-distanced picnic in the school’s play area, the children enjoyed delectable ice-cream together while enjoying each other’s company.

According to timeanddate.com[https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/spring-equinox.html], spring will begin on 22 September as this day is seen as the spring equinox and marks the first day of astronomical spring.

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