
Shalom Grade 1s are ready for ‘big school’

VICTORY PARK – King David Victory Park Grade 1s get a grand welcome to their first year of 'big school.'

King David Victory Park Grade 1s came bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for their first year of ‘big school.’

Excitement and eagerness delighted the school as each smiling face brightened up the surrounds. For the Grade 1s, this day would prove to be their first day of a bold new world. One that would encourage them to be fearless, brave, seek to learn and to be kind to those around them.

Grade 2s rush to hug their former Grade 1 teacher. Photo: Neo Phashe

After saying their goodbyes to their parents, parents who looked to be shedding more tears than their children, the children headed over to the hall where they got the best and most unexpected welcome to the school. Leading the welcome assembly was the director of primary school, Rabbi Ricky Seeff. With his charm and charisma, he managed to retain his ‘cool card’ with the older kids and forge a new a one with the Grade 1s. On the morning, along with calm confidence, much like the Grade 1s, he also wore white gumboots. He was not the only one clad in gumboots, the teachers were too! The primary school was bowled over when Rabbi Seeff invited the teachers onto the stage to join him in some dancing.

Mason Schneider is excited to be in ‘big school’. Photo: Neo Phashe
Teachers dance in their gumboots for the children of King David Victory Park. Photo: Neo Phashe

The school went crazy with excitement as they witness their teachers dance, in gumboots no less. The fun kept on going as the whole school was then invited to join in on the dance and boy, did they all enjoy it. Their welcome to their new school was one the Grade 1s can bet they will never forget.

Eden Fine gets her books ready for the year ahead. Photo: Neo Phashe
Kayden Walters writes his name on one of his books. Photo: Neo Phashe

Rabbi Seeff explained the theme for this year at the primary is ‘through different eyes.’ “On a social level, we hope to help our students see themselves and others in a positive, non-judgmental light.”

Grade 1s sit in the hall for their introduction to the school. Photo: Neo Phashe
Children join in on the fun dance along with their teachers. Photo: Neo Phashe

Adding academically 2020 will be a year in which they open the eyes and hearts of the learners to the joy of learning and enquiring as they roll out their project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and infuse their curriculum with creativity and problem-solving. “Our amazing hub is functional with a beautiful upgraded library, amazing Ed-Tech and much more, 2020 is going to be the year when we transform the way we see the world.”

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