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Garden of the Golden City cares for children and animals

NORTHCLIFF – Gardens of the Golden City looks for gardens in the city and open the gardens to the public, an entrance fee is charged and the funds are then donated to a well deserving charity.

The committee of Gardens of the Golden City visited Marang House on 22 June to donate much-needed funds to two deserving organisations – Marang House and The Karoo Donkey Sanctuary from the Western Cape.

Gardens of the Golden City started in 1997 when garden clubs in and around Johannesburg were invited to finding gardens in their areas the public would appreciate. Their aim has been to raise funds for different charities, who are then interviewed by the organisation’s committee. Current chairperson Margreet Gaymans said, “This year Garden of the Golden City raised over R142 000 on entrances from the garden. We are proud to donate these funds to well-deserving organisations that help the community to be a better place. Children are the future and Marang House is taking care of the children, helping them to be better.”

Margreet Gaymans, chairperson of the Gardens of the Golden City gives a speech as her organisation presents Marang House with a donation of R94 022. Photo: Bonakele Sithole

Jonno Sherwin, who started Karoo Donkey Sanctuary, was very grateful for the donation, “I am beyond excited about this donation. I’ve come all the way from Cape Town to thank the ladies and will be doing a presentation on what is going on with the donkeys.”

Marang House was started in 1998 by the late Dr Pieter Ernst as a means for children with chronic conditions requiring long-term care. The Home houses 12 children suffering from renal and liver failure, diabetics, children awaiting transplants and cardiac diseases between the ages of four to 14.

Melanie Tennant from Marang House thanks Gardens of the Golden City for the generous contribution towards the organisation. Photo: Bonakele Sithole

Manager at Marang House Melanie Tennant said, “We work with public hospitals, doctors and social workers. We are able to teach the children while they are living here how to administer the medication and, in turn, empowering them and their parents.”

Tennant expressed her gratitude for the R 94 022 donation for Marang House, “We are so thankful for this. The money will go far in helping with food, transport costs and helping the children positively contribute to their communities and pursuing their dreams.”

Marang House is always in need of donations and volunteers, for more information, visit their Facebook page www.facebook.com/maranghouse or contact them on 011 476 6698.

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