
Grade 7 leaders visit Fairland Police Station

FAIRLAND – Learners at Northcliff Primary School raised money on civvies day to buy the police station coffee and tea supplies to say thank you for all they do.

On the morning of 6 May some of Northcliff Primary School Grade 7 leaders and their principal, Debbie Smith went to give some treats to the Fairland Police Station officers as well as coffee, tea, sugar and milk supplies to thank the station for everything they continue to do for the school and community.

Sergeant Maggie Mushasha visits the school once a term to speaks to the learners on various topics such as bullying and safety, “Sergeant Mushasha plays an important part at the school as she is our student liaison officer and we are able to contact her anytime we need help,” said Smith.

Sergeant Maggie Mushasha and principal of Northcliff Primary School Debbie Smith at the Fairland Police Station on 6 May. Photo: Bonakele Sithole

The school had previously organised a civvies day for the learners where they raised money for the tea and coffee supplies that were given to the station and after the learners served the officers with snack platters kindly donated by Logan Naidoo from Mustard Seed Catering with cooldrinks.

Grade 7 leaders at Northcliff Primary School appreciated Sergeant Maggie Mushasha on behalf of the school for everything she has done for them and they gave a special thank you card on 6 May. Photo: Bonakele Sithole

Station commander Lieutenant Colonel Clive de Freitas expressed his gratitude to the primary school learners for coming to the station and showing them appreciation. One of the Grade 7 learners also thanked Sergeant Mushasha on behalf of the school for everything she has done for them and they gave a special thank you card with all the school’s learners’ thank you messages.

The Grade 7 learners ended their community outreach at Fairland Police Station with Sergeant Mushasha taking them to see the holding cells.

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