
Two Sophiatown police officers arrested on murder charges

SOPHIATOWN – The officers appeared in court on 11 October on charges of murder and defeating the ends of justice

The South African Police Service announced on 11 October that they had arrested two Sophiatown police officers.

A statement from the national police stated, “Two policemen, Warrant Officer Wynand Steyn (45) and Sergeant Tom Keet (42) were arrested on warrants of arrest. The police officers are alleged to have concealed crucial evidence after having arrived first on the scene.”

The officers appeared in court on 11 October on charges of murder and defeating the ends of justice.

National Commissioner of Police General Khehla John Sitole said, “The arrest of the two policemen is a clear indication that nobody is above the law and that corruption will not be tolerated.”

A multi-disciplinary task team deployed in Westbury as part of stabilisation intervention accused the officers, after intense investigations, of murdering Bradley Sauls, a man that was gunned down in Westbury in July this year.

The arrest comes after a series of violent protest that rocked Westbury with the community angered and complaining of drug dealing, corruption and crime in general.

Residents believe that police are in cahoots with the criminals in the area. These allegations pushed the Minister of Police, Minister Bheki Cele and General Sitole to visit the community to discuss a way forward.

Since then the area of Westbury has had a heavy police presence including Crime Intelligence, Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks), Tactical Response teams, Public Order Police, Visible Policing and an investigative task team.

The arrests of these police officers bring the total number of arrests to seven in the Saul murder case.

The National Police Commissioner has welcomed these arrests and continues to plead with the community to remain calm as they proceed with their investigations.

“I am confident that this team will continue to work around the clock to bring to book all those responsible for crime in the area of Westbury.”

ALSO READ: Sophiatown police massively understaffed

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