
Suspects caught hiding on roof in Roosevelt Park

ROOSEVELT PARK – Robbers find a hiding place many would ignore.

Three house break-in and robbery suspects were arrested after they were found hiding on the roof of a house next door to the scene.

On the evening of 31 May, Linden police, SCP Security and residents were shocked to find the three hiding on the roof. This after SCP Security responded to a call informing them that a house break-in was in progress on Beyers Naude Drive.

The security company rushed to the property and alerted Linden Police Station.

Clive Maher, director of SCP Security, said that after trying to make contact with the owners of the property they gained access to the house. “We found the victims lying on the floor with hands and their feet bound with cable ties. They said the suspects had left when they heard our voices outside.”

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At that moment, Linden police officers and the rest of the security team arrived at the property. Maher instructed one of his officers to go and check the road behind the house to see if they had run off that way.

Maher said, “As one of my officers climbed on the roof [for a better view and] he saw all three of them lying on the roof.” They were found with all the items they had allegedly stolen, as well as what appeared to be the same cable ties that were used on the victims.

Linden police arrested the suspects who have been charged.

The police station spokesperson Constable Takalani Matumba confirmed the suspects were found on the roof with knives, cable ties and stolen items such as cell phones and wallets. She added that they were still investigating the matter, as the victim had said a firearm was used. Matumba said, “No shots were fired or injuries sustained by the victims.”

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