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Westdene Dam Park to get bathrooms and parking lot

WESTDENE – The Westdene Dam Park may have been closed for a while, but it's open again and will soon have more to offer.

The Westdene Dam Park is getting upgrade after upgrade and the most recent one has yet to be completed.

At long last, the dam will soon have bathrooms and a paved parking lot inside the park itself.


The Westdene Dam Park’s new parking area has yet to be opened to the public.

When Northcliff Melville Times visited the park, construction workers were still completing the park’s new bathrooms which are located towards the south side of the park.

Westdene-Sophiatown Residents’ Association chairperson Dauw Steyn said the construction site was locked up over the festive season while no work was being done on it as vandals broke a sink one of the bathrooms.

The bathrooms are being built next to the new parking area at the Ash Road entrance. The parking lot has been completed but the poles, which will stop cars from driving into the park, have yet to be planted.

“We want to keep the Ash Road entrance closed up until the poles are in. We don’t want people driving in and disturbing things in the dam,” Steyn explained.

These are only two aspects of the park that has changed – new lights have been installed, new grass has been planted, and the stormwater systems have since been upgraded.


Poles to prevent motorists from driving into the Westdene Dam Park have yet to be put into the ground.

While the park was closed for a few months, park lovers will appreciate the positive changes that were made for the opening of the dam.

ALSO READ: What’s happening at Westdene Dam Park?

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