
King David Primary hosts a Seder

VICTORY PARK – King David Victory Park hosts Sedar at school.

King David Victory Park Primary School recently hosted a Seder at school.

Seder, as the school’s marketing manager, Nirvana Rogers explained, is known as a night for children as well as a night where questions are encouraged, asked and debated.

“The children had lots of fun singing Pesach (Passover) songs and following the order of the Haggadah, a book which explains the Jewish liberation from slavery, as described in the book, Exodus, which also allowed them to practise the songs to enable them to sing with their families,” said Rogers.

She also explained that Pesach is a Jewish festival celebrating the Israelites’ miraculous exodus from the land of Egypt.

The festival is marked in various ways and most notably by abstaining from eating leavened products and eating matzah (unleavened flatbread) instead, which is made from flour and water and cannot be cooked for longer than 18 minutes.

Grades 6 and 7 followed a different programme for Seder this year as they were split into three groups – one that focused on music and singing in the theme of praising God for His miracles, and another that focused on the different aspects of the festival through games of charades, and the final one emphasised the importance of questions in a fun way through the classic TV show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

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