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Worldwide clean-up campaign

AUCKLAND PARK – Volunteers participate in a worldwide clean-up campaign...

From all over the world, university goers came together to take care of the environment on 15 January.

The World Mission Church of God hosted the Campus Environmental Cleanup campaign, at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). A total of 80 international universities participated in the clean-up, and some South African institutions that participated were the universities of Cape Town and Pretoria and Lilitha Nursing College.

World Mission Society Church of God youth representative Wandile Mazibuko said, “On this particular day, it is a worldwide clean-up campaign happening at different universities. We are an international volunteering group consisting of university and college students who participate in community activities. The aim of these activities is to encourage students to participate in community activities in order to deliver hope to those who are disadvantaged.

“Through these activities, we are also able to deliver the spirit of love, show that we care about the community and create a cleaner environment around the university.”

Mazibuko added that he believes more can be done to improve the state of the environment, and part of the group’s focus is to also protect it. The volunteers were divided into groups and picked up litter on the streets and in the park with enthusiasm.

After they had completed their clean-up, the group sang celebratory songs outside the UJ campus.

World Mission Society Church of God’s Karabo Molatlhegi, who has been a member of the church since 2012, participated in the clean-up in order to raise awareness about the environment and to inspire others to take care of it.

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