
Home safety tips for the festive season

SOPHIATOWN – When you leave your house this festive season make sure you have the proper security measures in place.

Residents are urged by Sophiatown Police Station to ensure the security of their homes.
As the festive season fast approaches, most people will leave their homes to head out to their favourite holiday destinations.
Warrant Officer TJ de Bruyn said although the police will do their best to safeguard citizens during the festive season, they should also ensure that their homes and vehicles are secure.
Here are some safety tips for the festive period and also for every day.
How to prevent vehicle-related crimes:
* Equip vehicles with anti-theft devices
* Never leave the vehicle unlocked, even if you think you will be away only for a minute or two
* If your vehicle is equipped with an anti-theft device eg gear locks, steering locks or alarms, use them
* If a situation seems suspicious, drive away and report it to the police
* Never allow a passerby to look after the vehicle or goods in the vehicle
* Remain vigilant at all times
* Never leave valuables in the vehicle
* Never park outside; where possible park your vehicle in a secure parking area or locked garage
* Report any information to the South African Police Service.

How to prevent housebreaking and theft:
* Know all emergency numbers
* Keep your cellphone in the bedroom
* Never leave keys in a gate or lock
* The locks on outside doors should be changed when you move into a new home or after keys have been lost or stolen
* Make provision for good lighting outside. Remember – outside lights that are on during the day draw the attention of thieves
* Mail left in the gate is also a sign that nobody is home. Get a friend or neighbour to keep a regular eye on your property and remove mail and newspapers.

Use lighting to your advantage:
* Lights that are on inside while it is dark outside put you at a disadvantage
* Lights that are on outside when it is dark inside put you at the advantage
* Curtains should be closed after dark to prevent suspects from observing the activities inside the home
* Never leave workers or contractors unattended in your home
* Do not leave ladders standing around
* Conduct thorough background checks before employing anyone (permanent or casual workers)
* Request their identity documents and make a copy for safekeeping. Check their references and do security clearances at the police
* Be careful what you discuss in front of staff
* Don’t leave your garage, front or back door open or partially open – it serves as an invitation to burglars
* Inform police of any suspicious characters who you consider to pose a threat.

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