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GALLERY: Christmas market in Fairland

FAIRLAND – Christmas market at the Fairland Park on Smit Street strengthens the relationship between residents.

Scores of residents converged at the Fairland Park on Smit Street on 29 November for the Christmas Market.

This market was set up by residents in an effort to reclaim public areas as it was established that the park was regularly occupied by homeless people.

Vagrants loitering in the park were apparently posing threats to members of the community and littering the open space. Residents were also encouraged to donate the little they could toward a crèche in Lanseria.

One of the event organisers,Yasmine Miemiec, explained that the event was a community initiative to get the residents together in one place. “We are also encouraging residents to donate funds that will help a crèche,” she explained.

Miemiec was however, disappointed by the poor turnout and appealed to residents to get more involved in the activities and events in their communities as it would help strengthen the communication and eliminate the criminal incidents.

“We posted it on Facebook, distributed about 30 000 pamphlets and asked the residents to get more involved but the turnout was very poor,” she said.

The best stall received a prize. The stall owners were commended for setting up their stall in a manner that complemented the festive season.

Stall owner, Lizzette Terwin, said they were very busy and residents were buying their products.

Vivienne Jones who was selling books said the business was going very well. “It is my first time selling books here and I do not think it could have been better than this,” she concluded.

Details: Yasmine Miemiec, 079 473 8901.

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