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Habib wishes students luck for exam

BRAAMFONTEIN – Wits Vice Chancellor Professor Adam Habib speaks out about the recent protest that emanated from Wits and spread throughout the country.

The Vice Chancellor of Wits University Professor Adam Habib has recalled the highlights of the #FeesMustFall protest and wished students luck with their upcoming exams which will begin on 9 November.

Professor Habib said that the ongoing commitment to engagement and the resulting series of agreements would make Wits a more accessible, affordable and unified University. “We can all be proud of how Wits has maintained open channels of communication and found common ground even when, in the darkest hours, this seemed impossible,” he said.

Professor Habib recalled the highlights of the protest which can be read here:

GALLERY: Wits protest winds down

He called the recent agreements made between the workers and the university a major achievement for everyone at Wits. “We urge the University community to recognise that if we are to chart a new, nobler politics that speaks to the interests of all constituencies and earns their respect, then our conduct needs to transcend the short-term, and put the long-term interests of the entire University community first,” Professor Habib said in his statement.

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He pointed out and urged everyone to recognise that the historical moment of the protest had been made possible through the collective efforts of students and their allies which included workers, as well as countless individual acts of kindness and support from students, academics, support staff, workers, parents and others.”We urge all parties to now focus on the conclusion of this year’s academic programme, and we wish our students well in the upcoming examinations,” he added.

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“On the basis of these various engagements, we believe that all stakeholder groups have given their commitment for the University to be fully operational with immediate effect,” he concluded.

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