
VIDEO: Walk against rape encourages awareness

GREENSIDE – The Star Walk protests against rape and victim blame and hopes to change the perception and ensure that rape is completely eradicated in society.

Gauteng Democratic Alliance and residents in Greenside and Linden joined the 5km Stand Together Against Rape (Star) Walk on 12 September at Pirates Rugby Club.

Star walk is a protest march against rape and sexual abuse of women, men and children.

Event organiser Karmilla Pillay-Siokos encourages residents during the Star Walk protest on 12 September.
Event organiser Karmilla Pillay-Siokos encourages residents during the Star Walk protest on 12 September.

The event organiser Karmilla Pillay-Siokos explained that the walk seeks to raise awareness and change negative stereotypes about rape.

“We are challenging people’s perception about rape. We need to end the victim blame in rape,” she said.

She further explained that they are looking at organising the walk every three months to keep the momentum going.

Member of Parliament and Linden DA constituency officer, James Lorimer emphasised that his organisation supports this community initiative. “The rate of rape in our country is shocking. We all have mothers, daughters and sisters, and all of us have to be involved,” he explained.

Daniel Johnson and Alex Mutambu from the Tears Foundation participate in the Star Walk.
Daniel Johnson and Alex Mutambu from the Tears Foundation participate in the Star Walk.

Residents also signed the petition against rape and the DA will take it to their leader in the National legislature to address with the involved department.

Daniel Johnson of the Tears Foundation said most people need help in highlighting and reporting the incidents of rape.

“When more people are involved, it will help eradicate the scourge,” Johnson said.

Details: Star walk organiser Karmilla Pillay-Siokos 082 4809 320; DA Gauteng 072 041 4842.

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