
The most shocking death stats in GP

JOBURG – Newly-released statistics from Gauteng's 10 state mortuaries show a disturbing increase in violent deaths.

Newly released statistics from 10 state mortuaries in Gauteng, revealed an increase in violent deaths.

These figures were revealed by Gauteng Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu in a written reply to DA’s questions in the Gauteng Legislature.

Violent deaths from gunshots, stab wounds and assault rose from 3 324 in 2012/13 to 3 618 in 2013/14, and 3 846 in 2014/15.

According to DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Health, Jack Bloom, these deaths accounted for 32 per cent causes of unnatural deaths in Gauteng mortuaries last year.

Deaths due to surgical procedures have also increased, from 481 in 2012 to 803 in 2014.

The vast majority of these were because of anesthetics.

Traffic accidents accounted for 26 per cent of the deaths last year, but the numbers have actually decreased slightly, from 3 242 in 2013 to 3 088 in 2014.

The overall number of bodies stored in the 10 Gauteng state mortuaries rose from 13 602 in 2012 to 14 866 in 2014.

These figures are of concern because they show that unnatural deaths are increasing in Gauteng, mostly because of violence.

“Dead bodies don’t lie – these shocking figures should be a wake-up call to curb violence and the causes of violence in Gauteng,” said Bloom.

He added, “The third highest cause of death is hanging, with 846 deaths last year, accounting for 7 per cent of all deaths.”

Statistics from 2012 to 2014

Burns – 2 090

Stillborn – 1 807

Poisoning – 1 462

Drowning – 748

Train accidents – 637

Electric shock – 360

Strangulation – 218

Suffocation – 115 and

Lightning – 50

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