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GALLERY: Residents keep Melville clean

MELVILLE – Craig McLeod calls on neighbours to take Melville’s litter problem in hand.

What started as a simple act of a Melville resident cleaning the street around his house has turned into a neighbourhood project. Craig McLeod said, “I try to keep the area around my house clean. I saw a homeless man cleaning 4th Avenue and I thought it would be a good way to create work for people who need it and for the community to keep the area clean.” McLeod posted on Facebook, calling for anyone who wanted to get involved and to bring anyone they knew who was looking for work – he said the overall response has been positive.

The plan was to start at one end of 1st to 10th avenues and walk straight down, collecting litter. McLeod sponsored R100 per person who came to work. On 15 August, the first clean-up took place. Although about five residents arrived, McLeod was pleased that more had committed for the next clean-up, as and when it is confirmed. Eight men looking for work arrived, eager to get started.

The positive response wasn’t only from residents but local businesses as well, with Café Mexicho offering lunch to everyone involved.

With a concerted effort, the streets were done within an hour and a half. A total of 36 bags of rubbish were collected and stored in McLeod’s garage. Though unable to be part of the clean-up, Melville resident Willem Prinsloo has sponsored their removal from McLeod’s property.

McLeod said that it would be ideal if residents could sponsor the clean-up of their streets and if they could make the clean-up a weekly occurrence. McLeod added, “It’s a great way to meet neighbours and also get involved with the community.”

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