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BREAKING NEWS: No armed robbery at Campus Square – police confirm

AUCKLAND PARK – Campus Square management denies that there was an armed robbery at the mall.

AUCKLAND PARK – The Campus Square management has re-assured the public not to panic, after reports on social media. There was no robbery at the Square on 31 July.

“Young men came running in to our mall around 10am. They came from the side of Melville and since we didn’t know why they were running, our guards chased, caught them and called the police.

“We, as the management of Campus Square, want to assure that everyone is safe including clients, employees and property,” explained the Campus Square manager Khanyisile Mdluli.

She added that there was a need for them to call the police, because people are not allowed to run in any mall.

“It was scary because nobody knew why they were running.”

Brixton Police Station Commander Colonel Mitchelle Jones also confirmed that there was no robbery at Campus Square.

“We don’t know where the rumour came from, I walked to the mall myself and only to find it was just a false alarm,” said Col Jones.

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