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Campus Square security measures have been tightened

AUCKLAND PARK– Community initiative leads to security being beefed up at Campus Square, to protect unsuspecting customers.

Security guards have been deployed at the Campus Square, to monitor and protect unsuspecting customers from robbers pretending to be street kids.

It is alleged that there has been an increase in crime incidents where customers, students, motorists and ordinary pedestrians were mugged by ruthless thugs pretending to be in need of help, in and around Campus Square.

From the intersection of Kingsway Avenue up to Lothbury Road on the way to the Square, there’s a security guard helping customers cross to the business centre safely between 5am to 6pm every day. This was after people and customers claimed that they are robbed every time they go to work or shop at the Square. “It is either you are mugged in the streets if you are a pedestrian, or smash-and-grab for motorists at the intersections,” said one worker.

According to the Campus Square manager Khanyisile Mdluli, she is aware of the security guards around the intersections but it is not their initiative.

“I know that there has been a number of crime incidents affecting Absa’s call centre staff recently, and that might have prompted the bank into finding ways of protecting workers.”

Absa’s call centre manager, Desmond Mathews said it was not only done for their workers but it also seeks to help students, pedestrians and motorists who are robbed when passing by the intersections to the shopping centre.

“We all know mugging is a problem around here and it affects us all. We have not received any feedback, but our workers already commented on how safe they feel since the guards were deployed,” he said.

Terry Clyde of the Melville Business Association said he was also aware of the guards at the traffic lights and stop signs.

“But this should have been done a long time ago, not only by Absa, but also local groups and stakeholders. Crime is a countrywide problem. But there is a lot we can do to fight the crime. In Melville, we have two groups working as local crime fighters with the help of local businesses,” Clyde said.


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