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Cell C customer angry at service provider

FAIRLAND– Cell C’s Sandton branch makes a client angry so much that they spent money on printing a banner to shame and name the service provider.

One of South Africa’s largest services providers Cell C is under fire after an angry customer made their private fight public.

A resident who is still unknown at this stage is so outraged so much that he/she posted a huge banner on the wall of World Wear Shopping Centre.

The banner reads The most useless service provider in SA- Cell C Sandton City…Below this message written in Cell C branding colours is the cellphone number of Cell C’s franchise manager Riaan van Rooyen.

The complainant resorted to this action because they could not receive help from the Cell C Sandton City branch’s customer service. Cell C’s media liaison Vinnie Santu told Sandton Chronicle that the service provider is aware of the poster and is trying to resolve the matter.

World Wear Shopping Centre management said they will comment on the matter shortly.

Have you ever had problems with Cell C? Share your stories

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Someone give the person who made that Cell c banner a Bells!!

— Tumelo Moloto (@tum_elo)

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  1. This man is a hero. The new hero of South Africa. Customer service doesn’t exist in South Africa. All of us should strive to should the Government and every company that they exist because we the customer allow them to. We pay the taxes and salaries of the lazy. If i pay your salary I can shame you if you haven’t done you job. I would even help toward the cost of that banner. A much deserved charity.

  2. You have a choice…Every service provider has their strengths and weaknesses.

    Its a bit of a problem to dis a service provided that services a certain market and income group.

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