
Taking care of a premature baby

About 14 per cent of babies born in South Africa are born prematurely. This figure can rise to as much as 25 per cent in the public sector, that is according to the website www, A premature is a baby born preterm and that is before 37 weeks gestation but experts maintain that the age …

About 14 per cent of babies born in South Africa are born prematurely. This figure can rise to as much as 25 per cent in the public sector, that is according to the website www, A premature is a baby born preterm and that is before 37 weeks gestation but experts maintain that the age of viability for a premature baby at about 24 weeks gestation. A baby of this age may survive but requires a lot of mechanical ventilation and other invasive treatments, not to mention a lengthy stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). There are chances of survival for a baby born slightly earlier if they are cared for by very experienced doctors in a state-of-the-art and specially equipped facility. Having a preemie can take its toll on you as a mother, especially, but you can cope with the right attitude and care.

What causes of premature birth

  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • HELLP syndrome (a life-threatening complication considered to be a variant of pre-eclampsia)
  • Premature rupture of membranes
  • Bleeding of the placenta such as in cases of placenta praevia
  • Placenta abruption
  • Injury to the abdomen
  • Foetal abnormalities
  • Pregnancy induced hypertension (high blood pressure)

Caring for a preemie

When you have delivered a preemie, the mother is often discharged and the baby is kept in the hospital.  Once there aren’t any major complications, your premature baby may be released from hospital a few weeks prior to the actual due date. The doctor will only discharge the baby when the baby can breathe without respiratory support and once he is sure that there are no neurological cardiac or eye complications. Preemies are tube-fed in hospital so they can only go home once they are able to feed on their own. Once you take the baby home, you will have to adjust to the needs of your baby.

Tips to help you through the process

  • It is your responsibility to schedule a first check up for the baby with the doctor before the baby leaves the hospital and to pitch to monitor the development of your baby.
  • You may be concerned about how you will feed your baby and bath them when you get home. If you have questions about anything from bathing and breastfeeding to burping your baby, ask the NICU nurses, your lactation consultant and your doctor.
  • Don’t overdress your baby – if it’s warm, a nappy and T-shirt are fine, together with a blanket to wrap her in.
  • Premature babies aren’t able to regulate their own temperatures yet, making it difficult for them to keep warm if they have a wet nappy. It is for this reason why it is important to change your baby’s nappy as soon as it’s wet or soiled because a damp nappy quickly cools a small and vulnerable baby.
  • Babies typically cry for one to five hours in 24 hours and can’t always be calmed, so don’t worry about these crying spells; they’ll subside after a few weeks.
  • Feel free to call your doctor If you’re concerned about your baby’s health.

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