Sadhana production to enlighten audiences

The show aims to create a dance theatre feast for the senses.

FLATFOOT Dance Company in association with The Playhouse Company presents Sadhana at the Drama Theatre, Playhouse from March 23 to 26.

This newest offering from the same acclaimed team that brought the award winning Bhakti to Durban is choreographed by Lliane Loots, who once again, steps boldly into Eastern mystical philosophy and its confluence with African rhythms and dance, to create a dance theatre feast for the senses.

The Flatfoot Dance Company in full flight.

“It is a rare and very precious moment for me to make dance work that allows for a more inward and contemplative artistic journey. I am relishing this creative process that allows me to collaborate with Durban’s finest dance and musical talent. The very make-up of the cast of dancers and musicians tells a story of multiple histories and identities and so the chance to explore what being South African means to all of us in our own divergent artistic ways, is the very fabric of Sadhana,” said Loots.

Loots joins forces with the six Flatfoot Dance Company dancers, Sifiso Khumalo, Tshediso Kabulu, Mthoko Mkhwanazi, Jabu Siphika, Kim Mccusker-Bartlett and Zinhle Nzama, who bring their own brand of contemporary African dance that is seeing this company being invited all over the world.

For Sadhana, they are joined by Kathak aficionado and master, Manesh Mahara, known for his intrepid Kathak solo work. This is his third performance collaboration with Loots who said, “Manesh is probably one of South Africa’s finest dancers at the moment and both myself and Flatfoot have been graced to work collaboratively with him over the past three years. His ability to share his own Kathak style so generously with us and his ability to cross borders into contemporary dance, makes him the biggest jewel in the Sadhana ‘crown’. Sometimes, in rehearsal, I get so mesmerised by his beauty as a dancer that I completely forget my role as choreographer!”

Zinhle Nzama (being lifted) and Jabu Siphika.

Sadhana is a Sanskrit word that means (in loose translation) a journey towards enlightenment that honours both intellectual, emotional and spiritual seeking.

Sadhana runs as an ‘in association production’ with the Playhouse Company from 23 to 25 March at 7.30pm and on 26 March at 3pm at the Drama Theatre (Playhouse Complex). Tickets are R85, with students, scholars, pensioners at R65, and can be purchased through Computicket.

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