Editor's note

Make Youth Day count, remember the 1976 killings

Watch the movie Sarafina! which is a South African musical by Mbongeni Ngema depicting students involved in the Soweto Riots, in opposition to apartheid.

TOMORROW marks one of the most important holidays in South Africa – Youth Day when the deaths of many Soweto schoolchildren are honoured. The day in 1976 changed the course of  South Africa’s history.

The uprisings tragically ended with hundreds of young people killed by the apartheid government when they protested against the imposition of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction. It is estimated that 20 000 students took part in the protests.

Facts from South African History Online:

  • According to the government-appointed Cillie Commission of Enquiry 575 people died.
  • Police action resulted in 451 deaths.
  • 3 907 people were injured.
  • The police were responsible for 2 389 injuries.
  • Both the death and inquiry figures were disputed by various sources as being too low.
    5 980 were arrested for offences related to the resistance in the townships.

To mark this day Ster-Kinekor will be hosting free screenings of the iconic movie Sarafina! at cinemas across the country to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Soweto Uprisings in 1976.
Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis. In Durban the screenings will take place at Gateway at 12pm.

Watch a snippet of the movie Sarafina! here:

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