Editor's note

Raped on the eve of Women’s Day

The area of Kenville is a few kilometres away from Durban North, and while millions of South Africans were enjoying the past long weekend, a 13-year-old girl was being raped.

I READ a piece the other day in which the writer blatantly said: “You can take your Women’s Day and shove it.”
While it sounded harsh I was prompted to read further and here the author, Helen Moffett, said in 2012: “Here’s an idea. Take your pathetic, meaningless, mind-blowingly expensive and stomach-churningly patronising Women’s Day and cancel it. Cancel the entire idea of ‘Women’s Month’. Tell me, what is the point?”

I’ve edited down the language, the full article can be viewed here (be aware of the obscene language). In a nutshell, Moffet says Women’s Day and all the fanfare that goes with it was useless if women are still being raped in South Africa on a daily basis.

This story, published today in the Northglen News, tells of  the rape of a 13-year-old over the Women’s Day long weekend. So, in the words of  Helen Moffet: “Here’s a better idea. Instead of the jamborees and a long weekend of more boozing and beatings and rapes, take the money – the obscene piles and piles of it you intend to waste – and use it to fund Rape Crisis.”

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