Editor's note

Don’t be duped by con men

When you read an advert that promises to double your money, solve your relationships and make you successful, surely, most people know that it cannot be true?

I SHOULDN’T be so judgmental but last week we covered a story last week of a woman who was conned by a man posing as a ‘guru’.  The guru promises that he can double people’s savings and investments.

The uMhlanga Rocks based con man, in his advert that appears in a well-known newspaper, even tells his victims that he help cure injuries and mend problematic relationships.

One of the man’s victim’s contacted us and said none of his promises (surprise surprise) ever materialised. But the victim only realised this after parting with R1000 and at the point where the guru told her that she needed R54 000 for his charms to work.

Now come on people…double you savings and investments? Fix your relationship? I shouldn’t be so judgmental but with this story and numerous others we had covered over the years and read about, I was left thinking: “But how can you be so gullible. Serves you right that he cons you for your money for believing such nonsense.”

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