Word of mouse

ZEN is a type of Buddhism that focuses on awareness through the practice of meditation.

Most people know this. But did you know that there is a term, zen mail, which means email messages that arrive with no text in the message body?

Language is evolving as fast as possible to keep up with techno-speak and it quite creative and even quite funny.
Angry garden salad is slang for a poorly designed web site. We have all experienced a cluster funk, when a multitude of things go wrong on a computer system, at the same time.

Cornea gumbo is a visually noisy or over-designed web site, usually with too many graphics. You can have another name for your online persona and this is called a digital doppelganger.

Eating your own dog food occurs when a computer company uses its own software for internal projects. Watch out for the fat finger which is an error in typing; oops I did not see that typo, I must have used my fat finger.

There are plenty of fortune cookies around the net, or inane, witty or profound comment. There is an hilarious acronym to describe “People Over Thirty Acting Twenty One.” For example, “did you get a load of that POTATO?”

Huge pipes is slang for a high-bandwidth internet connection and my best, slang for a printed document or publication, as opposed to an electronic version, is a dead-tree version.

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