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Everest challenges the pinnacle for local pastor

Tom Basson is aiming to etch his name into history by attempting two epic feats of endurance and possibly break two official world records.

KNOWN as the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest has captured the imagination of thousands of adventurers and athletes aiming to successfully reach the roof of the world.

Now, Tom Basson is aiming to etch his name into history by attempting two epic feats of endurance and possibly break two official world records.

Basson will first take on the World’s Highest Obstacle Course Race, and just a day later, take part in the World’s Highest Marathon (42km event) from Everest Base Camp to Namche Bazar in Nepal.

The 40-year-old, who is no stranger to Herculean efforts of endurance, has hiked an active volcano in Bali, competed in an eight-hour obstacle course race in Texas through the night, and most impressively, finished second in the world in the World Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) World Champs 15km men’s race (35-39) category.

He will also be raising funds for three charities in his trek, namely Sherpa Association of Nepal, the Cleaning-Up Everest Campaign and the Durban North Baby Home.

“I’ve always had a fascination with Everest. When I was 16, I wrote down a list of 100 things I wanted to do before I die – I’ve achieved 60 of them. On that list was a wish to hike up to Everest Base Camp, and these upcoming events will give me the opportunity to fulfil a lifelong dream and the perfect opportunity to possibly break two world records.

“While I have a background in obstacle-course racing and gymnastics, I also felt this was an opportunity to inspire others. Everyone has obstacles and challenges they face, and I hope to show people there are ways to overcome these when you set your mind to it. I’m also writing a book at the moment on overcoming obstacles which I hope will be beneficial to others. I feel the lessons can apply to anyone as the principles are universal,” he said.

With a background in community work, Basson said he intends to donate.

Tom intends to give back to various charities.

“As a pastor at Grace Family Church, I’ve worked with communities on the ground, and I know the incredible work the Durban North Baby Home does. I’ve set a goal of raising R180 000 which will go towards this trip. Any amount I raise over and above that will go 100% towards the home. While both events are only in November this year, I’ve already begun fundraising and just recently surpassed R90 000,” he said.

Basson is now using the Afriski Mountain Resort for altitude training in the lead-up to the events.

“Through my training at Adventure Obstacle Training (AOT) with Trish and Claude Eksteen, and with my background in sports, I’m ready for the challenges ahead. I’m looking forward to altitude training as I have to acclimatise to conditions which will be tough in Nepal. To possibly break two world records is a massive goal for me, and I’m positive I will be able to,” Basson said.

If you would like to support Basson’s endeavour click here.


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Shiraz Habbib

Shiraz has been a community journalist for the last 12 years and has a specific interest in everything sports. He holds a Bachelor of Arts undergrad degree and honours degree from the University of KwaZulu-Natal where he majored in Communications, Anthropology and English.

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