Top 10 finish for Durban North brothers

The brothers, who have done a number of Dusis and Non Stop Dusis together pulled off one of their career best finishes in a time of 10:24:23.36.

IT was a race to remember for Durban North brothers, Jody and Duane Taylor, as they finished in 10th place at this year’s Non-Stop Dusi Canoe Marathon.

The brothers, who have done a number of Dusis and Non Stop Dusis together pulled off one of their career best finishes in a time of 10:24:23.36.

For Jody, the event was made even more special by the fact that it was his tenth Non-Stop Dusi.

“Finishing tenth in my 10th race was phenomenal. I’m very happy to have finished where we did and also because I had my brother by my side, who coincidentally takes on his tenth Non Stop next year. It was without a doubt the toughest canoe race on the calendar but it was an absolute ‘joll’. I couldn’t be more thankful to my strong engine in the back, my brother, Duane. I’m so lucky to share another Dusi with my big brother,” Jody said.

He also had praise for his seconders on the race.

“This race would not have been possible without our amazing seconding crew Don Taylor, Aimee Clayton, Simon, Gilbert Maujean. They were all amazing,” he said.

The overall winners of Friday’s race was race stalwarts, Sbonelo Khwela and Thulani Mbanjwa. It was a sixth Non-Stop win for Khwela.


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